Currently we are:
eddie: in summer classes and working at the UVSC testing center
andy: looking for a GOOD job and taking a Lithography class at BYU
lula: at home on her mom and dad's bed
frostbite: looking out the back window waiting for some action
Currently we feel:
eddie: excited for the 3 day weekend
andy: in love with his lithography class and liking print making more and more
lula: like hearding a bunch of sheep
frostbite: like going to the park
Currently we wish:
eddie: that I had a wonderful idea for Andy's Birthday (Aug. 30)
andy: that we would go camping and hiking more
lula: that I was an "only dog"
frostbite: that Lula would play with me
I'll try and get some pictures up soon....
I like how you do that, it's a lot of fun to read. I might have to do something simular.
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