Sunday, December 13, 2009

Family Photo

Sometimes I just don't know how I feel about facebook. I mean here we go and try and take family photos and before anyone even checks to see if this blog is still alive, they have already seen said picture on facebook so what is the point of putting it in a post? So this post goes picture-less, but you can see the photo to the left.

-Andy is back in school. He is going to be an elementary school teacher in 1.5 years. He would like to be just an art teacher some day, but for now this is good.
-Kirsten is an intern in a 5th grade classroom and thinks it is very stressful! She will be done with coursework by December 16 and will acutally graduate in April. (yea finally a bachelors)
-Andy does sound gigs sometimes, and sometimes he even gets paid really good money to do them. His boss worked for really big record companies in the old days and they even went on the road to AZ this last summer to do sound.
-Kirsten got a summer job working with people with disabilities and really liked it. She still works 2 hours on Sunday before church and hopes to work for them again this summer.
-Andy finally quit the mall (yea) and is going to start working for his friends at Boomerang Bookstore.
-Kirsten is really looking forward to Christmas break.


Friday, February 27, 2009

We were gone...

I’ve (we’ve) essentially disappeared off the face of virtual world. Ok I still check Facebook from Time to time, but I haven’t been writing or visiting blogs lately. I just can’t. If I am not in class or at work I am at home with the dogs studying (which means avoiding the internet) or helping family. Well that isn’t entirely true I have been watching some TV on DVD to try and relax after a stressful day or two. I’ve even stopped doing house work for the most part b/c I just don’t have time. Poor Andy has been put in charge. And lets just say house work in my opinion is really a two + person job.

But if you think I’ve neglected cyber space, it’s nothing in comparison to my dear grandmother. Well I hadn’t seen my grandma in like 6 weeks and she can’t drive anymore (she does have other family around who help though). She finally called me the other day almost in tears because her Sheltie (lula’s litter mate), Jack, needed to go to the vet because his skin condition had come back with a vengeance. In short I am now at grandma’s 2-3 times a week bathing Jack with special shampoo. Which I am happy to do… As long as the visit can be at like 10:00 at night or 7:00 in the morning. It’s been good to be with grandma again.

On a lighter note, here is a photo. It’s of me receiving a singing valentine at work. Andy totally surprised me! I thought it was simply brilliant and I don’t know if he’ll ever be able to top it. \


Friday, January 2, 2009


This is Frost Bitten Obsedian Gray his birthday was yesterday, New Years Day.  Saddly we did nothing for his birthday.  Eddie and I are both passionate Dog owners but we don't seem to go to the point that we give them human luxuries such as birthdays.  Though both of dogs deserve the best.  Especially FrostBite I feel blessed to know such a noble creature.  He was born deaf and eplileptic but it makes no difference to him he is still the most uncondiontionally loving dog you could ever meet. He is friendly with every dog and human he ever meets.  He is rather sensitive to touch and is easily frightened but he still loves us when we come up behind him.  

This year I hope to be a little more like Frost Bite; Loving of everyone, patient with his family, content with the simple things of life.




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